Virtual safety training
Medlemspris: 3 000,-
Andre: 3 000,-
Varenummer: vr2021E  |  Demostraton here
Denne varen/produktet krever godkjenning av vilkår for å kunne kjøpes.
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The VR-program contains the three methods in the FSE Safety Regulations chapter IV, dead working, live working or working in the vicinity of live parts.

The program is a digital game where the main object is to practise working in dangerous situations without any risk of damage or accidents.

In the virtual reality you perform tasks within the three methods, and if you make mistakes you get visual power transmissions and arcs that show you what may happen in real life situations.

The purpose of this tool is to reduce the risk of electric shocks when electricians are doing their work. Using VR headsets and a visual use of protective equipment makes it possible to train the use of such equipment and experience what danger you may meeet during the work process, so that you gain more confidence in your work performance with electrical installations.

The program is suited for Oculus Quest headsets.

Others may follow your gaming since you may cast the view in the VR headset to a separate screen. In this way you are able to discuss what happens and why. This requires an additional program like SideQuest.

You can only download the program once, on one VR headset.

To use the program, the VR glasses must be put in developer mode.  
You will find a short and simplified explanation on how to do it here

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Kontakt oss:

NHO Elektro - butikken
Postboks 5467 majorstua
0305 OSLO

Sentralbord: +47 23 08 77 00

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Les fullstendige kjøpsvilkår
BUTIKKEN drives av NHO Elektro - tilsluttet NHO ISO org: 971 033 517